True News & Fake Things: Journal 10

Time really flies when you’re not watching the clock. My last post was December 4th of last year. Now it’s April 2024. The post I was going to make after the last one got put off for some reason that I’ve now forgotten and then making the post itself was forgotten soonafter that. On occasion for a slight moment I’d remember keeping up with this journal is something that I wanted to do but other things in my life got prioritized.

Deception studies still remains my main intellectual pursuit. I’ve been reading and posting book reviews on Goodreads, brainstorming ideas for books to write, and checking the internet for new videos about Fomenko’s New Chronology, but something new I’ve been working on is a study into deception in early Christian Gospel literature. I’m not aware of any books on the topic, and I’m curious as to what a study like that would show, so I’ve been doing a little work here and there to maybe bring that into existence myself.

Tonight I was relaxing and scrolling through Google News results from the past year for ancient forgery. There were stories about a fake fossil, a fake Alexander the Great sculpture, and more. Here’s a list of some of them:

1 – Eighty Year Old Art Forger:

2 – Fake Alexander the Great sculpture:

3 – Fake coin scheme foiled:

4 – Fake fossil:

5 – Fake provenance:

6 – Fake mummy:

7 – Fake scientist:

8 – Fake vase:

9 – New Future Study of Ancient Fake News:

If you read this far. Have you read any books lately in the vein of deception studies? I’m always keeping an eye out for titles I might have missed. You can comment them on this post.

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