Pantheon, Wilde, & Nietzsche: Journal 8

It’s Sunday night, technically Monday morning at 1am. This week I read a few books and started taking deception-related notes on a popular show. I’ve been knocking out some of the books on my list with early publication dates. See my journal notes below.

Monday: I read Oscar Wilde’s The Decay of Lying (1891). I also posted the reviews for the two books I finished last week. Here are the links:

1 – E. K. Chambers’ The History and Motives of Literary Forgeries: Being the Chancellor’s English Essay for 1891 (1891):

2 – Joseph McCabe’s History’s Greatest Liars (1951):

Tuesday: I began to read Nietzsche’s On Truth and Untruth (2010). I also posted the review for Wilde’s book:

3 –

Wednesday: I finished On Truth and Untruth. Nietzsche was a yapper for sure. He used so many words to say so little. I’ll be giving the book 1/5 stars.

Thursday: I began reading T. G. Wakeling’s Forged Egyptian Antiquities (1912). I also started watching this show Pantheon and taking notes on deception scenes.

Friday: I finished Pantheon’s first season. I’ll post my notes here on this website when I finish season 2 next week.

Saturday: I started Pantheon season 2. I finished reading Wakeling’s Forged Egyptian Antiquities. It was a pleasant read. I enjoyed Wakeling’s writing style. 5/5 stars.

Sunday: I watched more Pantheon.