History’s Greatest Liars & Literary Forgeries: Journal 7

Another busy week but I did manage to finish reading two books.

Monday: Read part of Chambers’ History and Motives of Literary Forgeries (1891) and part of McCabe’s History’s Greatest Liars (1951). Did some searching for deception related book titles to see what was available in English from the 19th century.

Revisited this website: https://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/browse?type=lcsubc&key=Literary%20forgeries%20and%20mystifications%20%2d%2d%20Early%20works%20to%201800&c=x

Tuesday: Finished Chambers and read part of McCabe.

Wednesday-Saturday: I finished reading McCabe’s book. Not sure what rating I’m giving it yet. Maybe 4/5 stars because the title was somewhat misleading. But the subtitle clarifies it so maybe 5/5.